
Koliko komentari gostiju na online kanalima utiču na rad hotela?

Internet komunikacija omogućila je povezivanje korisnika usluga u svim delovima sveta a ovaj napredak nosi sa sobom brojne prednosti ali i mane. Koliko je iz ugla korisnika sada lakše da se upozna ugostiteljski objekat pre same posete nekoj destinaciji, toliko je veći izazov za hotelijere da održe dobru reputaciju. Razlog...

Hotel software and its importance in hotel operation

Hotel software is considered imperative in the hotel industry today for the organization of accommodation facilities. Because every serious hotelier understands that without an organized system that connects all contingents, there is no success in this business. Precisely, this is a task that is solved by hotel software, which in mutual interaction has the task of reducing costs and at the same time...

Yield management in hotels

If you are an existing hotel owner or planning to become one, then it is really important how you manage the yield. This is professionally called Yield management in hotels. In order to clarify this term for you more closely, below we introduce you in more detail this term and its role in object management. What is Yield management...

OTA channels in hotel industry and how to choose them

The presence of a hotel facility on online sales channels is today something that they cannot imagine their business without. The reason for this is that today more than 70% of hotel reservations on a global level are made by OTA channels in the hotel industry. That's why today we're talking about what OTA channels are and how to be guided when...

The most common revenue management myths

Every successful hotelier mainly relies on the predictions made by the revenue management system. In addition to marketing of the hotel, this is the second most important aspect of the facility's business. If it is not managed adequately, it can have very bad consequences for the building. That's why today we're talking about the most common revenue management myths believed by...

Šta je stopa popunjenosti u hotelskoj industriji (OCC)?

If you have the opportunity to directly or indirectly manage a catering facility, then the occupancy rate is something you should be interested in. So below we talk about what the occupancy rate is and how it is calculated. What is the occupancy rate? When you need to express in percentages how much your object is...

How do hotel software solutions increase the facility's revenue?

Although we live in a time when we are surrounded by technologies, a large number of hotels still do not use the full potential offered by software solutions within the hotel. That's why we will talk about the income that your facility can have from early check-in and late check-out and how technology can help you with that. How do...

This is the oldest hotel in the world

Have you ever thought about how many years the oldest hotel in the world could exist and still be in business today? 100, 200, or maybe 500 years? Well, we'll say right away that you're not even close. The hotel we are writing about today has been working without interruption for more than 1300...