Da li ste znali da preko 73% gostiju svoj utisak o firmi donosi upravo na osnovu izgleda website prezentacije? Tome doprinosi upravo dobar hotel website dizajn.

Internet je uveliko postao primarno tržište u odnosu na tradicionalni način poslovanja. Svaki biznis koji želi da ostvari uspeh u poslovanju treba da ima adekvatnu internet strategiju i website koji ispunjava sve standarde.
Danas se smatra da ukoliko vas nema na Google-u to je isto kao da ne postojite, jer svaki gost danas traži smeštaj online.
Dobro uređen website svakom smeštaju pomaže da poveća online prisustvo i poveća prodaju smeštajnih kapaciteta.


What does goodHotel website design mean?

Ukoliko želite da Vaš website donosi rezultate nije dovoljno samo da imate bilo kakav website već on mora da bude u skladu sa trenutnim standardima, kako u tehničkom tako i u estetskom smislu.
Actually, it should be in balance between creativity and technical solution.
Ovo podrazumeva da naš website mora da ispunjava uslove koje nameće Google pretraživač a koji se menjaju najmanje dva puta mesečno.
In addition to the Google search engine, conditions are imposed by more and more demanding guests. Every day we are becoming more and more literate in the online world, and this brings with it new standards in the user experience of our potential guests.

Da bi se website ocenio kao solidan, potrebno je da ispunjava sledeće uslove:

  • Odličan estetski dizajn u skladu sa trendovima na tržištu
  • Written content on the site that gives answers to every guest in such a way that every guest is satisfied with what they read (Copywriting)
  • Prilagodljiv dizajn za pretragu na svim uređajima (mobilni, tablet, desktop…)
  • Simplified arrangement of key elements so that the guest can book the accommodation in no more than three clicks, otherwise you will lose a lot of guests (User Experience)
  • It must have a blog section with fresh articles every month
  • Clearly presented references and transparently presented information about the employee team
  • A large number of photos and videos that complete the visual experience of the guest before making reservation
  • A clearly marked contact form for booking accommodation as well as contact information (phone number, address...)

What does the procedure for setting up a web design presentation look like?

The process of adjusting your web design on the site depends on the current situation and it develops in stages.
U zavisnosti da li imate postojeći website, da li je na zadovoljavajućoj platformi, ili ste u situaciji da prvi put gradite website i krećete od početka.
At the meeting with the team, all steps are covered in detail, and after that, the development of the technical solution is started in stages. The final result is an excellent Hotel website design


Why choose the BHC team for creating hotel website design solutions?

BHC tim koji je zadužen za ovaj deo Vašeg projekta čine višegodišnji stručnjaci koji imaju desetine realizovanih projekata iza sebe, čiji standardi ispunjavaju sve gore navedene uslove dobrog web dizajna. Već posle prvog sastanka će vam biti jasno da je Vaš website u pravim rukama.
U međuvremenu pogledajte sva naša realizovana hotel website dizajn rešenja.