Hotel software and its importance in hotel operation


Hotel software is considered imperative in the hotel industry today for the organization of accommodation facilities. Because every serious hotelier understands that without an organized system that connects all contingents, there is no success in this business. Precisely, this is a task that is solved by hotel software, which in mutual interaction has the task of reducing costs and at the same time increasing revenues in the facility itself. Presence on as many sales channels as possible for booking accommodation is considered crucial for successful sales in this branch of the economy.

That is why now is the right time for your business to completely switch from offline to an online system based on modern software.

What does the term hotel software mean?

The first, most important thing to clarify, hotel software, is usually not just one software in the facility itself. This is mainly a term that refers to the complete "machinery" of programs that together facilitate the functioning of the facility. But we call them by one name in internal communication.

Now that we understand this, we can also explain the individual segments of hotel software.

The advantages that this system offers are, depending on the choice of software, the following:

  • Eliminates unnecessary paperwork in business and protects the environment
  • Increases the facility's production
  • It speeds up the process of concluding reservations
  • It speeds up communication with the client
  • It helps the right guests find you faster
  • It helps to determine the right prices according to the days of the season
  • Increases sales
  • Facilitates the management of OTA sales channels
  • Facilitates the monitoring of statistics of all business segments
Izvor: Freepik/DCStudio

What solutions are part of hotel software?

Since each of these solutions has a specific function, we will mention some of them below:

1. PMS – Property management software

PMS is software that enables a hotel or hotel group to manage front-office capabilities such as scheduling reservations, guest check-in/out, room allocation, room rate management, and billing. In short, this software changes all traditional processes that would require paper.

2. Protel software

Protel, a cloud solution (online), is an excellent solution for hotels that do not want the burden of maintenance within their own technical infrastructure.

This solution does not require a separate installation within the existing hotel system of software solutions. All you need is an internet browser and an internet connection. It offers information about each guest at any time, records of room occupancy.

3. Channel manager sistem

Channel manager offers the possibility of simultaneously updating all prices and availability of accommodation in two clicks. In addition to this most basic function, this is a perfect system that solves the problem of overbooking. If we take into account that this type of failure can ruin the reputation of the accommodation in the long run, it is clear what is the advantage of networking in the Channel manager system. The manager who manages the system has the ability to control all accompanying restrictions, from the duration of the length of stay to the creation of price lists and individual packages.

How can you integrate some of this software into the operation of your facility?

The BHC team has extensive experience in working with the aforementioned software, the performance of which has been tested in working with the systems of prestigious facilities in the country and the region.

Balkan hotel consulting team is at your disposal 6 days a week, so feel free to contact us by phone +381 63 242 422 or via the contact form.

Visit our Linkedin account where you can get more useful information about all our services aimed at improving your business.

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