OTA channels in hotel industry and how to choose them


The presence of a hotel facility today on online sales channels is something that they cannot imagine their business without. The reason for this is that today more than 70% of hotel reservations on a global level are made by OTA channels in the hotel industry. That's why today we're talking about what OTA channels are and how to choose them.

OTA Channels in the Hospitality Industry: A Selection Guide

Before we get down to managing the importance and selection of OTA channels, let's remind ourselves what they actually are.

The most famous platforms around the world, as we mentioned, have an irreplaceable role in filling reservations today.

However, here is a quick list, which channels are popular for which categories of offers:

  • Booking - The most popular channel if you do business in Europe. For all types of accommodation. Around 78% of all booking.com bookings come via mobile devices
  • Expedia - Suitable for booking 5 star accommodation as well as more luxurious accommodation offers.
  • Hostelworld and Treovi - They are the complete opposite of the previously mentioned channel and mainly offers budget rooms and hotels.
  • AirBNB and hotels.com – Solo travelers prefer to visit these channels.
  • com and flipkey.com - Best for offering properties with breakfast included.

The above mentioned channels are shown with the categories in which they perform best according to statistics, but that is no reason not to create an account and try out your accommodation offer on them.


OTA channels and provision

Considering that OTA channels are our external agent, logic dictates that we initially count on the commission they will charge us. It is definitely recommended to first choose those channels that charge a lower commission.

Pay attention to the hidden costs as well as the way of determining the price per accommodation.

Before any potential cooperation, a detailed research of the platform itself is implied, i.e. OTA channel. If you need a recommendation, our team are on your disposal.

In addition to the mentioned commissions, these channels also offer a loyalty program. This moment can be very interesting if you decide to bring your guests through it for a long time.

Tips for managing OTA channels

  • Regularly maintain your OTA channel according to its algorithm
  • Post the best possible photos of your accommodation
  • Respond to all reviews and comments orderly
  • Regularly keep an eye on current accommodation prices

How can the BHC team help you manage OTA channels?

Our team is at your disposal in the complete management logistics of OTA channels, with a preliminary estimate of how many percent sales can be increased in the first quarter from the start.

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