This is the oldest hotel in the world


Have you ever thought about how many years the oldest hotel in the world could exist and still be in business today? 100, 200, or maybe 500 years? Well, we'll say right away that you're not even close. The hotel we are writing about today has been working without interruption for more than 1300 years, since it was founded in 750 AD. At the same time, he holds two world records on the Guinness list.

You don't believe it? We were also pleasantly surprised, considering that in the world of hotel industry it is a very big challenge.

Where is the oldest hotel in the world located?

This record holder in the hotel industry is located in Japan. Which was easier to guess than the founding year, right? 🙂 More precisely, it is located at the foot of Mount Fuji. The full name of the hotel is Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan.

When we say record holder, we really mean it because this hotel entered the official Guinness Book of Records as the oldest hotel in the world. This is not the only record that this hotel holds, but more on that in the rest of the text.

Who founded this hotel?

The hotel was founded by Fujiwara Mahito, more than 1300 years ago, and his family has since then continued the tradition of this facility and devoted itself to the hospitality business. A tradition in which the 52nd generation of the family is in charge of preserving this building's reputation.



A combination of tradition and modern technology

In accordance with a very long tradition, it was expected that the hotel would suffer certain changes in terms of modernization over time. However, the focus is always on a traditional look that is in keeping with its centuries-old reputation. While technology has its role in facilitating business, as well as in improving the atmosphere of the modern guest. A guest who cannot imagine his everyday life without modern technological devices. 

These modern samurai with technological devices in their hands, have the privilege to enjoy the charms of hospitality even today like the samurai of 1000 years ago. Traditional restaurant cuisine with recipes as old as the hotel complex itself contributes to the very act of hospitality and a well-rounded atmosphere.

Natural sources of mineral water in the hotel complex

In addition to its uniqueness due to its business tradition Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan hotel is also specific for its healing springs. We will agree that there are not many hotels that can boast of having natural springs. These springs are internationally recognized for their healing properties. They are the second reason for the oldest hotel to be entered in the Guinness Book of Records for the second time. This time it is because of what is said to be the "most productive spring" in nature. It has been measured that this spring pumps out over 1630 liters of water per minute.

If you decide to head in the direction of this hotel, the price of a night's stay is around four hundred and a half euros per night. Depending on the platform you choose for booking.

If you want to improve the business of your hotel, our Balkan Hotel Consulting team is at your disposal. Our phone number is +381 63 242 422.

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